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Lok Sabha General Election-2024 Campaign "Vote for All for Empowered Democracy".

Appreciation of the staff and the branch who have done excellent work in the e-office of the Divisional Commissioner's office.

Final Seniority List of Personal Assistants and High Stenographer Cadre employees working in Amravati Division dated- 01/01/2024.

Final seniority list of lower grade Stenographer cadre employees working in Amravati Division dated- 01/01/2024.

Advertisement of food supply for the year 2023-24 in Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Vidarbha Administrative and Development Training Prabodhini, Vidyapeeth Road Amravati.

Formation of a committee to outline the proposed program to celebrate the 125th Birth Anniversary of Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh - Government Resolution

Committee meeting to outline the proposed program to celebrate the 125th Birth Anniversary of Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh.

A review meeting was held at Prabodhini regarding farmer suicide.

Maharashtra Zilla Parishad, District Service Post-Service Entrance Examination - 2022 regarding declaration of examination result dated 25/02/2023 and 26/02/2023.
1.Amravati   2.Akola  3.Yawatmal  4.Buldana  5.Washim

E Modification MIS Report (Year-2023-24)

E- Crop Inspection Mobile App-User Manual - June 2023.

Order - Women's Grievance Redressal Committee (Reconstituted) in Divisional Commissioner's Office, Amravati Office.

Limited Competitive Departmental Examination - 2022 to fill the post of Senior Assistant from the posts of Junior Assistant/ Store Assistant/ Computer in Zilla Parishad by 25% selection. - Regarding declaration of results 1.Amravati    2.Akola   3.Yawatmal   4.Buldhana   5.Washim

E-tender advertisement for contract for three years for supply of vehicles on hire basis for the year 2023-24 to 2025-26 for Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh Vidarbha Administrative and Development Training Prabodhini, Sant Gadgebaba Vidyapeeth Road, Amravati.

Advertisement for Auditing of Accounts for the year 2022-23 for Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh Vidarbha Administrative and Development Training Prabodhini, Sant Gadgebaba Vidyapeeth Road, Amravati.

Advertisement for annual tariff contract for the organization for the year 2023-24 for the control of Vole, Mouse/Ghus, Mosquito and Bee hives in Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh Vidarbha Administrative and Development Training Prabodhini, Sant Gadgebaba Vidyapeeth Road, Amravati.

E-tender advertisement for annual rate contract for supply of vehicles on rent basis for the year 2023-24 to Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh Vidarbha Administrative and Development Training Prabodhini, Sant Gadgebaba Vidyapeeth Road, Amravati.

Provisional Seniority List of the employees in the cadre of working supply inspectors at the establishment of Divisional Commissioner's Office, Amravati as on 01/01/2023.

E-tender advertisement for annual rate contract for supply of vehicles on rent basis for the year 2023-24 to Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh Vidarbha Administrative and Development Training Prabodhini, Sant Gadgebaba Vidyapeeth Road, Amravati.

Final Seniority List of Supply Inspector Cadre of Amravati Division Dated- 01/01/2022.

Final Seniority List of Personal Assistants and High Stenographer Cadre employees working in Amravati Division dated- 01/01/2023.

Final seniority list of lower grade Stenographer cadre employees working in Amravati Division dated- 01/01/2023.

Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Vidarbha Administrative and Development Training Prabodhini, Vidyapeeth Road Amravati Recruitment Advertisement.

Public disclosure - Public disclosure regarding calling for price list for doing computer work in Development Branch at Divisional Commissioner's Office, Amravati.

Advertisement for laundry contract for the year 2022-23 and 2023-24 in Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Vidarbha Administrative and Development Training Prabodhini, Vidyapeeth Road Amravati.

Advertisement for the post of Divisional Disaster Management Coordinator (Contractual) under Maharashtra State Disaster Management Programme.

Advertisement for laundry contract for the year 2022-23 and 2023-24 in Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Vidarbha Administrative and Development Training Prabodhini, Vidyapeeth Road Amravati Institute.